I been kinda at a crossroads lately with this blog thing. I've been runnin outta shit to talk about... well not relly but I've been tryna find lil interesting topics to talk about but then I realized thats not what this is for, its supposed to be my inner thoughts on how I see the world around me. so with that being said Im back on my bullshit. herreee we go...
With this whole love thing, I guess you could say Im back at square one.... :-/ I know some of you may have read my 4 page letter post and thought it was pretty sweet. lol It was sincere and from the heart. My intentions with that post was to try to up the ante on a situation that I felt was at a standstill. not taking anything away from the person whom it was addressed to,but at the time I just felt it was neccesary to let it all out, put all the cards on the table so to speak and see what the results were gonna be.
Unfortunately, things didnt quite work out the way I wanted, as the feelings werent mutual. she wanted to put me in the "friend zone". though I respect her feelings and decision and I knew from jump street that it was a posibility things wouldn't go my way, it still came as a shocker to me., honestly it hurt.
But with me being who I am, I was able to pick up the pieces and put myself back together. However, due to the circumstances, I must say that I see shit in a different light now. I find myself having to take my own relationship advice... and we all know how hard that is. At the end of the day its neccesary in order to handle the different shit that life throws at you.
With that being said, althought I do have an oportunistic mindset about relationships, I honestly cant see myself establishing something new with anybody else for a long time. I've been emotionally burned too many times and I feel enough is enough. It would be foolish of me to try to continue at this pace if I keep geting the same results everytime. I've said it before in previous entries, that maybe love just isnt in the cards for me. Im starting to belive that more and mOre everyday....