The evening of March 10, 2002 was a glorious one. Despite this fact, I wouldn’t remember anything that happened that day had it not been for MTV airing Lauryn Hill’s Unplugged No. 2.0 that night.
I was only in the 9th grade, but I remember being completely engrossed, and when I watched it the next day, that excitement and wonder was still there. This work was a piece of underrated genius. There was so much raw honesty, truth and intensity. It’s a light in the darkness.
Lauryn encourages listeners to free their minds, see beyond the illusions, and heal. It’s hard to listen and not self-reflect: how free am I? how much do I truly see? how honest am I? what am I scared of? does my walk reflect my talk? how much of myself have I compromised? what have I compromised?
Surrounding this release were criticisms against Hill. “Is she crazy?” No. I don’t think she ever was. She just realized how maddening the world she lived in was and called it what it was. Those who exist in the matrix don’t appreciate being told they live in a matrix. Thus, the “crazy” title was born.
If you’ve never heard Unplugged No. 2.0, buy it and listen to it today. If it’s been a while since you last heard it, listen to it today. Whatever your situation, listen to it today. Just make sure that while you’re listening, you’re listening.