The other day, I read “the greatest mistake that you can make is to be afraid of making one.”
This very moment, right now, excites me. Its power is so dynamic and immense.
If you don’t like something, change it. If your thoughts don’t serve you, change them. If the shoe doesn’t fit, find another.
There’s so much power in a moment. It’s potential energy ready to transform into kinetic energy at our will, whenever we decide to take action.
We’re trained to live passive lives like they’re something to aspire to. Don’t reach for passivity and mediocrity; if nothing else, fail to it.
For me, part of finding the good is understanding the power of a moment. Knowing that it doesn’t last forever. If it’s painful, it’ll be over soon. If it’s enjoyable, know that you should cherish it because it, too, will expire. We live in the eternal moment of now. The future is now. Einstein told us that “everything you can imagine is real.” So imagine. Dream. Experience. Celebrate. Move in the direction you want to go in. Don’t resist change; that’s constant.
Hey! Start your action now.