Wednesday, April 22, 2009

There is No Double Standard.

Man, before I start, I wanna say that CATTIN IS HIGHLY OVERRATED. Like its pointless... what it all comes down to is communication && people being real && muture about they shit man... I den got catted on too many times in the past couple days && its infuriating.

For those that don't know what "catting" is... allow me to enlighten you. The term catting is used when someone doesn't do what they say they are going to do... when they break the plan without letting the other parties involved that there has been a change of plans... basically leavin the other people hangin... which is NOT COOL.

I say that to say this... NO CAT ASSNESS please && thank you.

*Sigh* ahh that's better. Now that that's out the way.... back to your regularly scheduled programming.....

One of the many lessons I've learned in life so far is to totally accept people for who they really are instead of trying to change them in order to fit my ideal. With me being a person who tends top focus more on what needs to be done than what has alredy been done, it wasn't really easy for me to grasp onto that idea... to just stop being judgemental as I'm sure it is for others as well.

However, the lesson that is learned within the lesson or red between the lines as I see it, acceptance does not neccesarily mean involvement. Like when I say I accept someone for who they are, its more often than not misunderstood to mean that it is an open invite into my life. Which is ridiculous. For example.... when I accept you for being a horrible driver, I feel it would be hella dumb for me to then allow u to drive my car.... get it?

Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it seem as if people want it both ways, accept me as being irresponsible, but treat me like I'm the most responsible... etc. Don't make too much sense to me mayne....

Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. first of all, i totally agree about the change of plans without letting the parties know. that shit has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves on this earth. i hate it. or when people make plans with you and then make up excuses on why they can't go. it's like..don't make up a damn excuse. YOU made the plans, ain't nobody gonna be mad at your ass! i hate that shit.

    anyway, i feel what you are saying about the acceptance. i didn't even think of that until now. i do the same thing. i don't even stop and think about accepting someone unless they are going to be in my life. like...i never stopped to think about things like that. it's good to know that you actually brought this to my attention.

    i'm the type of person to always be worried about who is accepting ME as a person, and not worried about me accepting them.
