Today, I had a lil problem thinkin of a topic, I brainstormed for a lil bit, then I asked a good friend of mine to help out, she then she told me this story of how one of her best friends just stated to tlkin to this new guy for a while of a different race from new york.
Cutting to the chase, the guy is starting to have second thoughts about building a relationship with her because her "blackness" is starting to show.. you know the stereotype that black girls have that they are loud , ghetto, obnoxious, and have stanky ass attitudes... that one. lol mostly focusing on her attitude. she told me that he perfers latinas over blacks because they simply "get it". what that means, idk. but it made me think... why do black dudes perfer to go after other races when looking for a mate, and why are other races afraid to go after black women???? Me personally, I was a lil guilty myself for falling into that fold, I've of course grown out of it. I have a love for all women of every race, even tho I am attracted to exotic looking women, it doesent really matter what race you are.
However, doesn't the attitude of many black men these days towards black women in the U.S. remind y'all of how relations used to be between white men and black women on the ole plantation--where black women were sex objects but not wife material? This same pattern is the dominant pattern between AA men and women these days. It's MANY AA men these days who regard black women as sex objects who are not fit for marriage or not beautiful (translation: not light enough) to be worthy of respectable attention and loving relationships. It's mainly many AA men these days who seek sex ONLY from AA women unless they're whiter-skinned or "mixed" in appearance.
The fact is that many AA women are indeed wife material, and always have been, however many black men who have always coveted whiter-skinned women are now able to acquire the coveted object. This preference for white-skinned women really has very little to do with black women or even with whiter women. The whiter woman, in many cases, is simply a coveted object.
It works both ways too, black girls are tending to go after guys outside their race for mating purposes, but thats another subject for another day...
I'm not an expert or anything, im just statin my opinion... take it or leave it.
ill come back to this subject later on tho... for now, you can have this.
I agree. It's not just light-skinned girls though, cuz I'm mixed and light-skinned but I have trouble dating outside black men. Its definitely the whole "attitude" thing!