This next entry is from my bro Ant's Blog, "Melody in Wordz" its entitled "the awful truth" it was soo deep so I had to share it with yall... He basically took the words outta my motuth on some shit ive always wanted to say... hes Breaking down Relationship failures and how we react to them... Well, thats enought of me.. check it out...
In love relationships We as human beings have a compelling need for what we feel as control. Being placed in vulnerable positions or feeling vulnerable leaves us uncomfortable, so we do whatever it takes to have as much control over our circumstances as possible, especially when it comes to love relationships.
Once we do allow our control to be compromised for the sake of creating chances to grow with another person, we hold on to those attachments and gain a certain familiarity and most of the time we call this love.
If or when these "loves" fail one of two things occur; our pride frees us of all fault and we blame the other person for the failure of the relationship and we move on to another person (different person same characteristics w/ minor differences). The other is we suffer from post traumatic love disorder (PTLD) which causes us to use the "never again" method where trusting another is nearly impossible, the chances of allowing one to get you to that place of vulnerability is virtually non existent, all of this to protect ourselves from a hurt we wish to never experience again.
In men, I believe these kinds of experiences are not typical due to the way we are socialized to behave in relationships. We are too Often raised to believe that manhood is established through sexual conquest, the more women you have sex with the more manly you are perceived to be. Not typically taught how to initiate a relationship and actively perform the roles of a man in a relationship. If a relationship does fail for a man, the "bitches ain't shit" rule probably goes into affect as a method of control and protection. The next relationship a man goes into will probably be out of comfort and opportunity.
In women experiences like these are more common as a result of mans socialization. Women are often socialized to be ready for a mans absence and to be prepared for a mans inadequacy to perform the necessary roles of a man.
If a relationship goes south for a female she will most move on but have underlying symptoms of ptld that she won't even be conscious of. This will in turn cause her to inadvertently project her past hurts onto her next mate who will share the same characteristics as her past mate (different person same characteristics w/minor differences), which in turn could result in interpersonal insanity (repetitively pursuing the same type of mate, searching for new results).
I believe that relationships fail because we initiate them with only assumptions of what the rules of engagement will be and we lack expectations. We love for recompense and we bail at the first sign of stormy weather. Both males and females definitions of love & relationships should be synonymous before taking any steps toward either of the two.
Please feel free to give feedback, let me know if you agree or disagree. Thanks for reading.
you can check out more of Ants interesting insight at
shout out to ANT.
Monday, December 21, 2009

Ya know, I had previous inhibitions about getting too personal on my blog, because first of all, I didn't want everybody all in my business, secondly, because I don't want anybody having pity on me or seeing me as a weak person because I'm far from that... But recently, I've been battling myself back and forth about putting my true feelings down here...
I've come to the conclusion that ima just go for it... Cuz a lot has happened to me recently emotionally and I feel it would help a lot for me to sort of vent and get it all off my chest. I'm not gonna name drop in order to not offend the parties involved. But besides that I'm not goin to hold any discression...
Welp, here goes...
I just got out of a courting situation where I was trying to start a relationship with a beautiful young lady who I held very high in regard as far as everything.... I really felt like we were connected on many levels... We never had sex, and I was even fine with that because I was more interested in getting to know as much as I could about her and spending time with her.
Truthfully, I hadn't felt the way I did about a female in quite a long time, so it was kind of spooky, and also my past relationships hadn't ended exactly on good terms so I was trying my hardest to build a successful relationship with this young lady. I even wrote a couple of previous blog entries about her explaining how I felt the best way I could without sounding too mushy.
Soon after, me being the analytical person that I am, I started to notice little things starting to happen... Like we would talk almost everyday whether it was actually on the phone or thru text. Then it slowly became less and less often which wasn't too big of a deal to me because we are both busy ppl but I did noticed it; besides on the couple times that we took the time to hang out with each other, all that other shit didn't matter to me... I felt legitimately happy. I never really knew if the feeling was reciprocated but it seemed like it was... Anyway, Soon after that it kinda went downhill. My bro gave me some info basically telling me how she didn't really like me all how I thawt she did. And how she downplayed the whole situation of us and that in actuality she had eyes for my other bro... This of course immediately stung. I didn't know how to feel! I felt hurt, and like I've been played.
In my angry stage I decided not to speak to her until I saw her cuz if I called and confronted her it probably wouldn't have ended pretty. So we finally spoke on the situation and got it all figured out. Then I thought to myself that it was the time to see where she stood as far as "us" so I wrote up everything I wanted to say to her and posted it up here for her to see... Then gave her some time to think and asked her to be with me...
Unfortunately she declined, and gave me sort of a general response as to why but at the end of the day it was still a no... Basically she apologized for leading me on and wanted to but me in the "friend zone" and everyone knows how much I despise the friend zone. Ugh no good.
Fast forward to present day, I guess we've had a falling out of sorts cuz I haven't really spoke to her since that day... Way back in september... Except for the occasional tweet. But the last time she kinda gave me a subliminal "good riddance" tweet telling me to "get over it" which was kinda left field for me, but hey I guess people show their true colors once its all said and done...
I'm not mad about it, or even hurt anymore. I really dnt know if we'll ever speak again actually cuz it seems as if she's moved on and has no interest in conversing which is fine with me... I tried to reach out to no success so I've pretty much given up on that. Oh well...
At the end of the day, I see this all as a learning experience and ill always remember to read the signs from the jump... Hopefully I won't have to experience anything like this again.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Nicki Minaj for Complex Mag
This is just one one the reasons I love miss Nicki Minaj. I been been fuckin wit her since 07 when I heard her on the Can't Stop, Won't Stop Freestyle with Lil Wayne on the Drought 3 Mixtape since before I knew what she looked like and I thawt she was dope. then seen her, and Fell in love LOL but yeah enjoy just a lil snippet of my future Ex-Girlfriend Onika Miraj aka Nicki Minaj....
What do You want the Most?
You have control over your life. Your success or failure is completely up to you. You control how lucky or unlucky you are. You create your wealth or destitute with your efforts.
The doubts you’ll experience along the way to success are part of life. Make a plan for your success and stick to it. Your life is a marathon, not a 100 yard dash.
Never base your actions on if “I can or I can’t”, but rather on if “I will or “I won’t”.
And most importantly, accept total responsibility for your actions. By doing so, you are more likey to created the change that’s necessary to obtain what you seek.
-The Think Movement
The doubts you’ll experience along the way to success are part of life. Make a plan for your success and stick to it. Your life is a marathon, not a 100 yard dash.
Never base your actions on if “I can or I can’t”, but rather on if “I will or “I won’t”.
And most importantly, accept total responsibility for your actions. By doing so, you are more likey to created the change that’s necessary to obtain what you seek.
-The Think Movement
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
HBK-Time 4Us 2...

Recently, My HBK bros encouraged me to lay down some of my lyrical skills on a track for the new HBK mixtape... so I did a lil 8-bar verse... after i realized i didnt sound that bad, i hopped on two more songs... which ill post later.... but dont worry, i have no dreams or aspirations of becoming a rapper... none of the sort. I just did it for fun.. so.... yeah here goes nothin....
Look Before You Leap Pt 1
Is it worth it???
I sit back and ask myself this question a lot. When I'm making decisions about everything, whether it be love, academics, life, anything. The trick is, to evaluate ones true desires and wants and have the ability to decipher if the juice is worth the squeeze.
Sometimes we act upon our emotions without using our head or taking a step back to see what the situation is from the outside looking in. It would solve a lot of our "personal problems" if we took the time to think sometimes. Ya know?
I'm saying this because I feel that too many people are being mislead by their own feelings. Sometimes what you feel isn't always the best thing for you... I do realize that we must make mistakes in order to learn from them and grow, however I don't think we should be makin the same mistakes cuz at the end of the day... We're only hurting ourselves in the longrun.
Ill use the case of love for example, because it seems the most relevant to the topic. When you're courting someone, first you must understand that there is a 50/50 chance that the feelings you have for the person will be reciprocated. Until you know for sure for sure where each person stands, you should proceed with caution. Even I have fallen into this category even tho I know better... You can't control the way you feel, but you can change the way you respond to them. No matter how hard and strong your feelings get u have to realize that they're just that... Feelings. Which can change in a matter of seconds. Once ppl grasp the concept of this I think people will be ok.... What do you think???
Think b4 you act, don't act b4 you think.
I sit back and ask myself this question a lot. When I'm making decisions about everything, whether it be love, academics, life, anything. The trick is, to evaluate ones true desires and wants and have the ability to decipher if the juice is worth the squeeze.
Sometimes we act upon our emotions without using our head or taking a step back to see what the situation is from the outside looking in. It would solve a lot of our "personal problems" if we took the time to think sometimes. Ya know?
I'm saying this because I feel that too many people are being mislead by their own feelings. Sometimes what you feel isn't always the best thing for you... I do realize that we must make mistakes in order to learn from them and grow, however I don't think we should be makin the same mistakes cuz at the end of the day... We're only hurting ourselves in the longrun.
Ill use the case of love for example, because it seems the most relevant to the topic. When you're courting someone, first you must understand that there is a 50/50 chance that the feelings you have for the person will be reciprocated. Until you know for sure for sure where each person stands, you should proceed with caution. Even I have fallen into this category even tho I know better... You can't control the way you feel, but you can change the way you respond to them. No matter how hard and strong your feelings get u have to realize that they're just that... Feelings. Which can change in a matter of seconds. Once ppl grasp the concept of this I think people will be ok.... What do you think???
Think b4 you act, don't act b4 you think.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Another One Bites the Dust.
I been kinda at a crossroads lately with this blog thing. I've been runnin outta shit to talk about... well not relly but I've been tryna find lil interesting topics to talk about but then I realized thats not what this is for, its supposed to be my inner thoughts on how I see the world around me. so with that being said Im back on my bullshit. herreee we go...
With this whole love thing, I guess you could say Im back at square one.... :-/ I know some of you may have read my 4 page letter post and thought it was pretty sweet. lol It was sincere and from the heart. My intentions with that post was to try to up the ante on a situation that I felt was at a standstill. not taking anything away from the person whom it was addressed to,but at the time I just felt it was neccesary to let it all out, put all the cards on the table so to speak and see what the results were gonna be.
Unfortunately, things didnt quite work out the way I wanted, as the feelings werent mutual. she wanted to put me in the "friend zone". though I respect her feelings and decision and I knew from jump street that it was a posibility things wouldn't go my way, it still came as a shocker to me., honestly it hurt.
But with me being who I am, I was able to pick up the pieces and put myself back together. However, due to the circumstances, I must say that I see shit in a different light now. I find myself having to take my own relationship advice... and we all know how hard that is. At the end of the day its neccesary in order to handle the different shit that life throws at you.
With that being said, althought I do have an oportunistic mindset about relationships, I honestly cant see myself establishing something new with anybody else for a long time. I've been emotionally burned too many times and I feel enough is enough. It would be foolish of me to try to continue at this pace if I keep geting the same results everytime. I've said it before in previous entries, that maybe love just isnt in the cards for me. Im starting to belive that more and mOre everyday....
With this whole love thing, I guess you could say Im back at square one.... :-/ I know some of you may have read my 4 page letter post and thought it was pretty sweet. lol It was sincere and from the heart. My intentions with that post was to try to up the ante on a situation that I felt was at a standstill. not taking anything away from the person whom it was addressed to,but at the time I just felt it was neccesary to let it all out, put all the cards on the table so to speak and see what the results were gonna be.
Unfortunately, things didnt quite work out the way I wanted, as the feelings werent mutual. she wanted to put me in the "friend zone". though I respect her feelings and decision and I knew from jump street that it was a posibility things wouldn't go my way, it still came as a shocker to me., honestly it hurt.
But with me being who I am, I was able to pick up the pieces and put myself back together. However, due to the circumstances, I must say that I see shit in a different light now. I find myself having to take my own relationship advice... and we all know how hard that is. At the end of the day its neccesary in order to handle the different shit that life throws at you.
With that being said, althought I do have an oportunistic mindset about relationships, I honestly cant see myself establishing something new with anybody else for a long time. I've been emotionally burned too many times and I feel enough is enough. It would be foolish of me to try to continue at this pace if I keep geting the same results everytime. I've said it before in previous entries, that maybe love just isnt in the cards for me. Im starting to belive that more and mOre everyday....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
4 Page Letter...
Dear you,
I know this may seem out of nowhere and then again it might not. but I really feel the need to empty out all my feelings about our situation.
We've known each other for a short period of time, about a year but not to sound cliche but it feels like much longer than that. I don't know if I've fully expressed my true feelings for you. I am a very reserved person when it comes to showing emotions due to past experiences. It has nothing to do with you, however it does affect the way I interact with women. But I'm going to use this forum to spill the beans so to speak since its kinda hard for me to tell u to your face...
To sum up our relationship in a few words, I would say that I like you. Like reeally like you. I wouldn't say you're all I think about, but you do run across my mind several times a day. Its like a deep infatuation and fascination for you. I can't really explain where it came from, it just happened over time. Started out as the cute girl across the room, evolved into the homie, then the crush, and finally transformed into the girl I want to be with.
I love everything I know about you an and interested in everything I don't. Every convo we have whether on the phone or in person I learn something new about you that I like. Something about you stimulates my mind and intrigues me and I can't remember the last time a girl did that for me on a constant basis. I dunno if I do the same for you, I probably don't. But hey that's cool.
Judging from the outside looking in it may seem like I should give it up, I barely see you, we don't talk on the phone too much anymore, just countless other signs that tell me to throw in the towel and take the L. Honestly I'm heavily debating whether I should continue to pursue you or not due to minimal success and progress. It just seems like you're not feeling me like that sometimes. Kinda stings a little, but I deal with it.
This isn't a complaint, nor a request, I'm just clearing my head of this so I can move past it. Please don't get offended by any of this this is simply how I feel as of right now. So just read it, take it all in an reflect. Its more things I can say, but its probably not appropriate to be puttin on the internet. Ill be more than happy to tell you if interested though...
And I don't want you to feel pressured in anyway if this doesn't work out I'm more than happy to just be cool...
Until next time,
I know this may seem out of nowhere and then again it might not. but I really feel the need to empty out all my feelings about our situation.
We've known each other for a short period of time, about a year but not to sound cliche but it feels like much longer than that. I don't know if I've fully expressed my true feelings for you. I am a very reserved person when it comes to showing emotions due to past experiences. It has nothing to do with you, however it does affect the way I interact with women. But I'm going to use this forum to spill the beans so to speak since its kinda hard for me to tell u to your face...
To sum up our relationship in a few words, I would say that I like you. Like reeally like you. I wouldn't say you're all I think about, but you do run across my mind several times a day. Its like a deep infatuation and fascination for you. I can't really explain where it came from, it just happened over time. Started out as the cute girl across the room, evolved into the homie, then the crush, and finally transformed into the girl I want to be with.
I love everything I know about you an and interested in everything I don't. Every convo we have whether on the phone or in person I learn something new about you that I like. Something about you stimulates my mind and intrigues me and I can't remember the last time a girl did that for me on a constant basis. I dunno if I do the same for you, I probably don't. But hey that's cool.
Judging from the outside looking in it may seem like I should give it up, I barely see you, we don't talk on the phone too much anymore, just countless other signs that tell me to throw in the towel and take the L. Honestly I'm heavily debating whether I should continue to pursue you or not due to minimal success and progress. It just seems like you're not feeling me like that sometimes. Kinda stings a little, but I deal with it.
This isn't a complaint, nor a request, I'm just clearing my head of this so I can move past it. Please don't get offended by any of this this is simply how I feel as of right now. So just read it, take it all in an reflect. Its more things I can say, but its probably not appropriate to be puttin on the internet. Ill be more than happy to tell you if interested though...
And I don't want you to feel pressured in anyway if this doesn't work out I'm more than happy to just be cool...
Until next time,
Friday, October 9, 2009
Gyant Unplugged TV - Episode 01 from Gyant UnpluggedTV on Vimeo.
Mark Curry, author of “Dancing with the Devil: How Puff Burned The Bad Boys Of Hip Hop” exposes the dirty side of the music industry in an interview with Gyant It gets real around the 4:30 mark….
“You gotta look at it like this, A person like Mase that comes to Puff that wants a record deal automatically is willing to do anything that he can do to get that deal. So you have to look at like this, you are willing to sell your soul for that deal. For example, they might say I’m gonna give you a $100 million dollars but before I do that, I want to take a couple pictures with you…with your shirt off…and your pants too. And you’ll be like “$100 million dollars…a shirt and no pants? hmmm, Okay, let’s do it!” So now, here go your $100 million. Now you sitting there with your girl, she got her diamonds and fur on and she look good. All of a sudden you got somebody in the background flashing those pictures at you in an envelope telling you “Come here. We need to talk to you”. You be like “Wow, now you got me by the balls”. When somebody come to you and say “I’m going to expose to your people everything you doing to get this money”, it’ll make you kill yourself”.
Daammmnnn Yo!…
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Thrill Is Gone.

Many times in our lives we come across people that strike our interest. People that excite us, spark inspiration and thought, and somehow find a way into our hearts. This is a good thing, actually its a great thing because stimulation of the mind and emotions is good for the soul.
This could be anybody; a teacher, a mentor, an artist whether musically or artwise, maybe even a crush. They all have something in common, we feel a certain type of way about them.
However, the funny thing about having a crush or falling for someone contrary to the other examples is that sometimes the excitement can fade as time passes or once you see who they truly are. Most of the time, they don't live up to the high expectations that you had for them. The feeling you used to have when you're around them can die out and you'll be forced to let the feeling subside.
Its like you start out cool, caught up in the rapture of infatuation and maybe even sometimes lust. Then it becomes sour after they don't live out the fantasy or rise to the occasion so to speak. Its happened to me plenty of times where I like a girl, we talk for a lil while then I get turned off once I see what she's about. We think we have so Much in common at first glance, the explosion of romance takes over us but after all the smoke has cleared we see the true colors. I'm sure this happens to a lot of people.
I dunno why I decided to talk about this but it was on my brain this mornin. So yeah here's a brain fart for ya...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Race Relations Pt.2

Today, I had a lil problem thinkin of a topic, I brainstormed for a lil bit, then I asked a good friend of mine to help out, she then she told me this story of how one of her best friends just stated to tlkin to this new guy for a while of a different race from new york.
Cutting to the chase, the guy is starting to have second thoughts about building a relationship with her because her "blackness" is starting to show.. you know the stereotype that black girls have that they are loud , ghetto, obnoxious, and have stanky ass attitudes... that one. lol mostly focusing on her attitude. she told me that he perfers latinas over blacks because they simply "get it". what that means, idk. but it made me think... why do black dudes perfer to go after other races when looking for a mate, and why are other races afraid to go after black women???? Me personally, I was a lil guilty myself for falling into that fold, I've of course grown out of it. I have a love for all women of every race, even tho I am attracted to exotic looking women, it doesent really matter what race you are.
However, doesn't the attitude of many black men these days towards black women in the U.S. remind y'all of how relations used to be between white men and black women on the ole plantation--where black women were sex objects but not wife material? This same pattern is the dominant pattern between AA men and women these days. It's MANY AA men these days who regard black women as sex objects who are not fit for marriage or not beautiful (translation: not light enough) to be worthy of respectable attention and loving relationships. It's mainly many AA men these days who seek sex ONLY from AA women unless they're whiter-skinned or "mixed" in appearance.
The fact is that many AA women are indeed wife material, and always have been, however many black men who have always coveted whiter-skinned women are now able to acquire the coveted object. This preference for white-skinned women really has very little to do with black women or even with whiter women. The whiter woman, in many cases, is simply a coveted object.
It works both ways too, black girls are tending to go after guys outside their race for mating purposes, but thats another subject for another day...
I'm not an expert or anything, im just statin my opinion... take it or leave it.
ill come back to this subject later on tho... for now, you can have this.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Nike SB Dunk High Black/Red – September 2009 Release

Can September get here already? im finna be 21 on the 15th and it seems like all the dope kicks are comin out too... These NIKE SBD Dunks are an example of what I'm talkin about...
The shoe originally seen in the Fall 2009 preview has surfaced online to let us know what its made of. Black suede, red panels and toeboxes and a matching outsole makes a pretty cool colored dunk. A lot of sneaker enthusiasts are raggin on Nike, feelin that they are falling off with basic colorways and bland design. but on the contrary, I actually like these... the reflector grey brings out that other colors so it works.. but hey, thats just me.... Chances are they will be at a few lucky skateshops before August is out. If u feelin em Start buttering up those owners now. Via TheShoeGame
Custom Kicks - The Hundreds Nike Dunk High

Jest3r, a popular customizer around the internet made these Hundreds inspired dunks as a part of a contest going on right now. These multi-colored beauties are not only super creative, but the re construction is beautiful. In some recent commentary on Sole Collector, he made the mention that he was focused more on comfort than function, and sacrificing the traditional factory look was worth it. I am still unsure how I feel about the half swoosh, but then again, with the inclusion of the traditional Hundred’s bomb, I believe it would’ve been too much. Personally, I am wondering if these will show up in their store any time soon.

Big Ego Vs. Ego Driven
Since the release of Beyonce’s song “Ego”, I’ve noticed that a lot of people are embracing having a big ego. I take no issue with this because I understand that there are a lot of people who have never had a strong sense of their ego and this gives them justification in doing so.
Although there only might be a thin line of difference, there is a huge difference in having a “big ego” and being ”ego driven”. One difference that I find in the two is a “big ego” starts and ends with itself , while being “ego driven” is when you have a strong sense of self. Of course I think that I’m the latter and here’s why…as much as I feel like I’m all that, I know that I’m not all there is.
I really think when you’re really ego driven, it allows you to be really open to other people egos. I’m never threaten by someone else’s strong ego because I will never allow it to take from mine.
My ego demands of me to live by this. And it’s not because it’s overinflated, but more because it’s never satisfied with what it has done…all due to being super focused on what it can do!
Another difference between a “big ego” and being “ego driven” is this…a “big ego” requires praise…being “ego driven” requires only recognition…
think about it.
Although there only might be a thin line of difference, there is a huge difference in having a “big ego” and being ”ego driven”. One difference that I find in the two is a “big ego” starts and ends with itself , while being “ego driven” is when you have a strong sense of self. Of course I think that I’m the latter and here’s why…as much as I feel like I’m all that, I know that I’m not all there is.
I really think when you’re really ego driven, it allows you to be really open to other people egos. I’m never threaten by someone else’s strong ego because I will never allow it to take from mine.
My ego demands of me to live by this. And it’s not because it’s overinflated, but more because it’s never satisfied with what it has done…all due to being super focused on what it can do!
Another difference between a “big ego” and being “ego driven” is this…a “big ego” requires praise…being “ego driven” requires only recognition…
think about it.
SHMOPFEST: The Evolution.
For those of you that live under a rock, Im a part of an elite group of young men called Leaders of the New Skool, or LNS for short. were known in my area well actually around the bay area now as the creators of the phenomenon that is the SHMOPFEST. the shmopfest is not just a party, or a "fucntion", its a full blown event where we have ppl come from all over the bay come down to have a good time. You're guaranteed to have the time of you life and you wont leave disappionted. it is something that we pride ourselves on and many have tried to duplicte the success but have failed. lol
The term SHMOPPIN means Smackin x Poppin, something like the next level of fun. Me and my bros have indeed created a monster. starting from small get togethers at Kool Johns house, then they became small house parties, then Big House parties. Then, they quickly evolved into something great, and over time took the snowball effect and became something out of control to the point where we couldnt even hold em in houses any longer. We had to expand!
We took the concept of the house party and reinvetned it wit different themes and drees codes. shmopfests 1-10 have consisted of pajama/lingerie attire, sports jersey themes, revenge of the nerds, the obama party (on election day),blackout theme, and finally the last one was dress2impress: red carpet theme. we even invented different shmop names/aliases to go along with. I had names such as, Shmoppin Tarrantino, Bill Shmopsby just to name a few.
At the end of the day, the Shmop is just a place to go where u can have fun, meet new ppl, network, not worry about fightin or drama, cuz everyone is there just to have a good time. You officially haven't partied unless youve been to s Shmopfest... seriously. theres many more to come, so get ready. theres nowhere to go but up, and the sky is definitely the limit. we headed to the top my friends.
If you've been to a Shmopfest, I wanna thank you for helping make it what it is today, and know that youve been a part of history. for those who havent, smh.
The term SHMOPPIN means Smackin x Poppin, something like the next level of fun. Me and my bros have indeed created a monster. starting from small get togethers at Kool Johns house, then they became small house parties, then Big House parties. Then, they quickly evolved into something great, and over time took the snowball effect and became something out of control to the point where we couldnt even hold em in houses any longer. We had to expand!
We took the concept of the house party and reinvetned it wit different themes and drees codes. shmopfests 1-10 have consisted of pajama/lingerie attire, sports jersey themes, revenge of the nerds, the obama party (on election day),blackout theme, and finally the last one was dress2impress: red carpet theme. we even invented different shmop names/aliases to go along with. I had names such as, Shmoppin Tarrantino, Bill Shmopsby just to name a few.
At the end of the day, the Shmop is just a place to go where u can have fun, meet new ppl, network, not worry about fightin or drama, cuz everyone is there just to have a good time. You officially haven't partied unless youve been to s Shmopfest... seriously. theres many more to come, so get ready. theres nowhere to go but up, and the sky is definitely the limit. we headed to the top my friends.
If you've been to a Shmopfest, I wanna thank you for helping make it what it is today, and know that youve been a part of history. for those who havent, smh.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Race Relations... SMH....
In the video below, we see a couple white skaters mindin theyre own business, practicin they tricks and what not. then comes this ol mexican cuz tryna flex and pulls his gun out at one of the dudes for NO apparent reason.... skater then takes off on dude and procedes to beat the shit outta the mexican... really got on his bean... he got hit wit skatboards and summo shit.. butal.. kinda funny to me actually. goes to show... that thuggin and goonin shit aint for everybody... most guys caryy guns cuz they ain got no hammas... point proven.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Allow Me to Re-Intoduce Myself...
Hey Folks,
I'm Baaaaaaaackkkk!!!! lol
its been a while... did ya miss me???
Sorry for the long delay of updates... lately i havent really been inspired to write lately, i been in kind of a rut... =/ but on the bright side I've been thru alot these last couple weeks. so bear with me please but anyway lemme get you guys up to speed...
i decided that the single life is gonna be more convienient for me at this point in my life because I'm still young and all and i REALLy don't need to be lookin for a wife. lol although i miss having someone to share a connection with, its Truly just not my time. i realized this after so many failed attempts at tryna make shit work.
I figured out what school i want to go to in the fall, its a academy where you can learn hands on what goes on in radio stations as well as gainin intern credntials as you go so you can have that experience on your side.. its pretty nice.
I discovered TWITTER. its this cool lil social networking site where you can connect wit millions of ppl around the world online or from you phone. (sounds familiar, right?) but any way ever since i made my account ive been on it everyday faithfully, its truly addicting, like myspace all over again.. lol
if you have one follow me..
Of course, i havent stopped thinking of the many assorted topics to speak on so i will get back into the swing of things. ill try not to get off track no more cuz really, this bloggin shit is fun.. lol
Heres a lil sumn to hold you over til I return....
The process of becoming better begins with an open mind to change…simply because it’s impossible for anything to become better while remaining the same. And although your mind is open to something new, it’s important that you never lose your sense of self in the process. It is your sole responsibility to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
I'm Baaaaaaaackkkk!!!! lol
its been a while... did ya miss me???
Sorry for the long delay of updates... lately i havent really been inspired to write lately, i been in kind of a rut... =/ but on the bright side I've been thru alot these last couple weeks. so bear with me please but anyway lemme get you guys up to speed...
i decided that the single life is gonna be more convienient for me at this point in my life because I'm still young and all and i REALLy don't need to be lookin for a wife. lol although i miss having someone to share a connection with, its Truly just not my time. i realized this after so many failed attempts at tryna make shit work.
I figured out what school i want to go to in the fall, its a academy where you can learn hands on what goes on in radio stations as well as gainin intern credntials as you go so you can have that experience on your side.. its pretty nice.
I discovered TWITTER. its this cool lil social networking site where you can connect wit millions of ppl around the world online or from you phone. (sounds familiar, right?) but any way ever since i made my account ive been on it everyday faithfully, its truly addicting, like myspace all over again.. lol
if you have one follow me..
Of course, i havent stopped thinking of the many assorted topics to speak on so i will get back into the swing of things. ill try not to get off track no more cuz really, this bloggin shit is fun.. lol
Heres a lil sumn to hold you over til I return....
The process of becoming better begins with an open mind to change…simply because it’s impossible for anything to become better while remaining the same. And although your mind is open to something new, it’s important that you never lose your sense of self in the process. It is your sole responsibility to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Stuck on Stupid.
man sorry about the lateness.. my stupid phone wouldn't let me send my new post so I had to get on my PC and do it manually.. technology.. psh.. but anyway here we go...
So I'm choppin it up a couple days ago wit none other than the homie Miss Daisy Espana aka Vitamin Deee && we got on the subject of how girls put up wit so much shit in relationships, like abuse, physically, emotionally, && verbally; because of the simple fact that they feel that they can't do any better or they're afraid of being alone. Which I think is the dumbest shit everrr...
I'm not gon speak too much on her situation but basically she was wit this dude for while && he wasn't treatin her with respect. So she did the right thing && cancelled that nigga... lol
I wish so many other girls would do shit like that. Its hella sad when I see girls that's not happy in their relationships but won't leave cuz "sumn holdin them back" psh bullshit... you actin like you can't live without the guy, u were fine before u met him.. So get it together! I personally think its a psychological problem where they feel that they have to endure the torture of a relationship like that in order to maintain a self confidence or sumn... Don't be so dependent on someone that doesn't have your best intrest @ heart....
I realized tho you cant dictate other peoples actions they need to be able to realize whats best for them themselves but until they realize it what you tell them wont even matter kus at the end of the day a person is gonna do what they wanna do regardless.....
Ahhhhhh I go on about this subject for days.... I might have a pt. 2 but for now yall sit take that in && think about it...
Shout out to frenchy,
So I'm choppin it up a couple days ago wit none other than the homie Miss Daisy Espana aka Vitamin Deee && we got on the subject of how girls put up wit so much shit in relationships, like abuse, physically, emotionally, && verbally; because of the simple fact that they feel that they can't do any better or they're afraid of being alone. Which I think is the dumbest shit everrr...
I'm not gon speak too much on her situation but basically she was wit this dude for while && he wasn't treatin her with respect. So she did the right thing && cancelled that nigga... lol
I wish so many other girls would do shit like that. Its hella sad when I see girls that's not happy in their relationships but won't leave cuz "sumn holdin them back" psh bullshit... you actin like you can't live without the guy, u were fine before u met him.. So get it together! I personally think its a psychological problem where they feel that they have to endure the torture of a relationship like that in order to maintain a self confidence or sumn... Don't be so dependent on someone that doesn't have your best intrest @ heart....
I realized tho you cant dictate other peoples actions they need to be able to realize whats best for them themselves but until they realize it what you tell them wont even matter kus at the end of the day a person is gonna do what they wanna do regardless.....
Ahhhhhh I go on about this subject for days.... I might have a pt. 2 but for now yall sit take that in && think about it...
Shout out to frenchy,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
There is No Double Standard.
Man, before I start, I wanna say that CATTIN IS HIGHLY OVERRATED. Like its pointless... what it all comes down to is communication && people being real && muture about they shit man... I den got catted on too many times in the past couple days && its infuriating.
For those that don't know what "catting" is... allow me to enlighten you. The term catting is used when someone doesn't do what they say they are going to do... when they break the plan without letting the other parties involved that there has been a change of plans... basically leavin the other people hangin... which is NOT COOL.
I say that to say this... NO CAT ASSNESS please && thank you.
*Sigh* ahh that's better. Now that that's out the way.... back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
One of the many lessons I've learned in life so far is to totally accept people for who they really are instead of trying to change them in order to fit my ideal. With me being a person who tends top focus more on what needs to be done than what has alredy been done, it wasn't really easy for me to grasp onto that idea... to just stop being judgemental as I'm sure it is for others as well.
However, the lesson that is learned within the lesson or red between the lines as I see it, acceptance does not neccesarily mean involvement. Like when I say I accept someone for who they are, its more often than not misunderstood to mean that it is an open invite into my life. Which is ridiculous. For example.... when I accept you for being a horrible driver, I feel it would be hella dumb for me to then allow u to drive my car.... get it?
Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it seem as if people want it both ways, accept me as being irresponsible, but treat me like I'm the most responsible... etc. Don't make too much sense to me mayne....
Think about it.
For those that don't know what "catting" is... allow me to enlighten you. The term catting is used when someone doesn't do what they say they are going to do... when they break the plan without letting the other parties involved that there has been a change of plans... basically leavin the other people hangin... which is NOT COOL.
I say that to say this... NO CAT ASSNESS please && thank you.
*Sigh* ahh that's better. Now that that's out the way.... back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
One of the many lessons I've learned in life so far is to totally accept people for who they really are instead of trying to change them in order to fit my ideal. With me being a person who tends top focus more on what needs to be done than what has alredy been done, it wasn't really easy for me to grasp onto that idea... to just stop being judgemental as I'm sure it is for others as well.
However, the lesson that is learned within the lesson or red between the lines as I see it, acceptance does not neccesarily mean involvement. Like when I say I accept someone for who they are, its more often than not misunderstood to mean that it is an open invite into my life. Which is ridiculous. For example.... when I accept you for being a horrible driver, I feel it would be hella dumb for me to then allow u to drive my car.... get it?
Maybe I'm wrong, but to me it seem as if people want it both ways, accept me as being irresponsible, but treat me like I'm the most responsible... etc. Don't make too much sense to me mayne....
Think about it.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
QUESTION of the week
How do you define true friendship?
Now here’s the kicker…how many of your friends agree with your answer???
Now here’s the kicker…how many of your friends agree with your answer???

Looks like the "High One" had some knowledge on the art of the opposite sex....
“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there.”
- Bob Marley
sidebar: Speaking of Dr. Marley, Have you seen the Bob Marley "spirit" editon NBs?!?

YEsssssssssss... I will be swooping. :p
Shout out to the the think movement and sole redemption.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Motivation pt.2
Although I think everyone has the ability to be successful, I don’t think that everyone will be successful. I say this in reference of the people who for some bizarre reason don’t do anything towards being successful. hey talk a good game, but when asked what are the last three things done towards their goals…the answer is normally a re-astounding nada... nada... nada... not a damn thing!!! [Shout out to the homie jamesia for the quote]
I believe in never letting anything stop you from doing... even if you don't really know what you're doing. So many growth moments await you on your journey to succeed. I think its key to embrace your growth moments && be prepared to apply the lessons learned to your benefit @ a moment notice. Each step should/will reveal something that you would want to stop, start && continue in order to reach your goal. Buuuuuuut, it requires you to go out && do it mayne!
Ima end this shit in a quote, leave you niggas some hope, "Life is built for failure just as much as it is for success. The most important thing to realize is that life is based on a system of free will."
Sit on that.
I believe in never letting anything stop you from doing... even if you don't really know what you're doing. So many growth moments await you on your journey to succeed. I think its key to embrace your growth moments && be prepared to apply the lessons learned to your benefit @ a moment notice. Each step should/will reveal something that you would want to stop, start && continue in order to reach your goal. Buuuuuuut, it requires you to go out && do it mayne!
Ima end this shit in a quote, leave you niggas some hope, "Life is built for failure just as much as it is for success. The most important thing to realize is that life is based on a system of free will."
Sit on that.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Question of the week
What do you regret more in life @ this point? The things you've done or the things you haven't done?
Keep It Coming Please
With me being 20 years old && accomplishing all the things that I have, && being where I am in life has allowed me to view things in a different light than most people would see. I'd like to say that I believe in the concept of the glass being half full instead of being half empty.
My perspective on things has been altered through countless experiences && life lessons that I have encountered. So when people ask me why I'm so opinionated on the subject of love && relationships, it basically because I feel I can be based on the fact that I know a lot about these things from both myself && from observing what other people go through.
I'm not saying ima expert or nothing along those lines, because there's still a lot for me to learn, after all I am only 20. But with that being said I find it flattering when peers come && ask how I feel about a situation because it shows that people respect me enough to ask my opinion.
My perspective on things has been altered through countless experiences && life lessons that I have encountered. So when people ask me why I'm so opinionated on the subject of love && relationships, it basically because I feel I can be based on the fact that I know a lot about these things from both myself && from observing what other people go through.
I'm not saying ima expert or nothing along those lines, because there's still a lot for me to learn, after all I am only 20. But with that being said I find it flattering when peers come && ask how I feel about a situation because it shows that people respect me enough to ask my opinion.
Sorry Folks....
Hello world, man... I wanna apologize to everyone that's been visitin lookin for new shit... man... I been MIA for the past couple weeks makin moves, gatherin my thoughts && what not... alots been goin on my life && I can't wait to share... lol
But yeah... I'm back don't worry folks I'm still alive I'll be back shortly to hit yall wit some more exclusive shit like only I can.
P.S. Follow me on twitter
Hello world, man... I wanna apologize to everyone that's been visitin lookin for new shit... man... I been MIA for the past couple weeks makin moves, gatherin my thoughts && what not... alots been goin on my life && I can't wait to share... lol
But yeah... I'm back don't worry folks I'm still alive I'll be back shortly to hit yall wit some more exclusive shit like only I can.
P.S. Follow me on twitter
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Personal Perception
Hey folks, its Wednesday again, another week down the drain. So its time to get it in...
This is just the into into my paper I have to turn in in the morning on how I view myself... I could have easily went on for days on how confident I am in myself cuz you know ima fly ass nigga... lol but nah.I wanted to take a different approach... check it out...
When asked, how do I view myself in society, it makes me think real hard about perception && points of view. Personally, I feel that I am a intelligent young black man. Coming from where I come from, Richmond, Ca its a stigma involved where all the males are "hood." That is the stereotype. Its not "cool" to have an education, && in order to survive you need to do illegal things. However, I break that stereotype because I am the opposite of all of that. I was fortunate to have a family that moved me out of that situation before I went down that road.
On a belief level I feel that people find their beliefs not only through what they've been taught but also through what they've learned from personal experiences. Me for example, my parents && other family members have instilled their beliefs in me && expect me to follow suit. In some ways I do. However coming from a different generation with different circumstances, my perspective of things can become distorted from what they have taught me, && I can make my own decisions on what to take from me upbringing ans adapt it to my life
As a person, I'd like to think I'm very compassionate && caring towards all people. Also I'm very forgiving, I don't really hold grudges. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not really into the hood life. Its not very appealing. I would like to think of myself as a trendsetter, or a trailblazer, someone who doesn't follow in someone elses footsteps, but uses obsvervations && learns from other people's successes && failures to make my own lane.
This is just the into into my paper I have to turn in in the morning on how I view myself... I could have easily went on for days on how confident I am in myself cuz you know ima fly ass nigga... lol but nah.I wanted to take a different approach... check it out...
When asked, how do I view myself in society, it makes me think real hard about perception && points of view. Personally, I feel that I am a intelligent young black man. Coming from where I come from, Richmond, Ca its a stigma involved where all the males are "hood." That is the stereotype. Its not "cool" to have an education, && in order to survive you need to do illegal things. However, I break that stereotype because I am the opposite of all of that. I was fortunate to have a family that moved me out of that situation before I went down that road.
On a belief level I feel that people find their beliefs not only through what they've been taught but also through what they've learned from personal experiences. Me for example, my parents && other family members have instilled their beliefs in me && expect me to follow suit. In some ways I do. However coming from a different generation with different circumstances, my perspective of things can become distorted from what they have taught me, && I can make my own decisions on what to take from me upbringing ans adapt it to my life
As a person, I'd like to think I'm very compassionate && caring towards all people. Also I'm very forgiving, I don't really hold grudges. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not really into the hood life. Its not very appealing. I would like to think of myself as a trendsetter, or a trailblazer, someone who doesn't follow in someone elses footsteps, but uses obsvervations && learns from other people's successes && failures to make my own lane.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sneaker Lookout: Reebok Pump Omni Lite

There’s something about the Reebok Pump Omni Lite that screams nostalgia, and not for the infamous Dee Brown throwdowns, or the pumping factor, “Pause”. It was the Bill Walton commercials, how many of y’all remember “Pump Up! And Air Out!” These kicks are composed of a purple leather upper accentuated wtih red accents on the side panels, tongue and inner lining. These where previously available only overseas but SneakerBistro has them on deck now.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
LOL Stickin' it the Competition?
Translation Please? LMAOOO
Smarter than the Average Fool.
I read a quote from a man named Douglas Adams, && it said...
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof was to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools"
After reading, I thought && was like Wow! I can dig it. I always find myself rambling on to my cousin about how senseless it is to try to satisfy the fools of he world. I also spoke on it in minor detail, wit the crush last night... Most fools tend to never be satisfied mainly because they don't know any better. A fool by definition means deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding. Like attempting to satisfy a fool makes as much sense as attempting to drain the ocean. Think about it....
So the next time you get caught up tryin to satisfy someone that you've defined as a fool, ask yourself, "umm... && the bigger fool is _____________?"
Your welcome.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof was to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools"
After reading, I thought && was like Wow! I can dig it. I always find myself rambling on to my cousin about how senseless it is to try to satisfy the fools of he world. I also spoke on it in minor detail, wit the crush last night... Most fools tend to never be satisfied mainly because they don't know any better. A fool by definition means deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding. Like attempting to satisfy a fool makes as much sense as attempting to drain the ocean. Think about it....
So the next time you get caught up tryin to satisfy someone that you've defined as a fool, ask yourself, "umm... && the bigger fool is _____________?"
Your welcome.
Monday, February 23, 2009
L.N.S Interview
I recently had an inpromto interview with the one && only pejai aka dollfcekilla about me && the bros && the status of this bay area party scene shit... I think it was well put together && it gave ppl a closer look into us && what we about. Us being Leaders of the New Skool. She put us in her "Put you on the Game" section of her blog this week....
So yea check it out.. Her link is umm...
If you didn't know.... you know now.
Shout out to pejai.
So yea check it out.. Her link is umm...
If you didn't know.... you know now.
Shout out to pejai.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Skippa skippa gimme one more chance?
So.... recently I found myself crushin on this girl. Its nothin serious yet, but I am feelin her a lot. Aint really felt this way about a girl since.... the ex. Lol (dun dun duuuuuun) anyway we talked about it && she told me she's feelin me back or whatever, so everything is copestetic for the most part. I'm hopin it can become sumn more than the infatuation stage. We can talk literally for hours about anything. Which is cool cuz she actually can respond to my comments intelligently && with wit. She's beautiful on the inside which is a quality I admire in women. Aside from the fact that theres an obvious sexual chemistry there, I actually find myself wanting to get to know her more ya know? I don't wanna get all mushy && what not but picture this:
Imagine finally findin someone that you connect with on more than one level. Someone who understands your weird sense of humor && actually can hang with your jokes, who you feel you can listen to for hours on end because everything they say is like lyrics to your favorite song. Who you don't want to seem eager to rush into anything with but @ the same time want to have them all to yourself. Someone who is so indented in your mind that you remember their scent from when you hug them [is that weird?] Who you want to know everything about, fav color, food, sex position ;-) lol whose eyes are like the moonlight. && body is like a red velvet cake with chocolate icing.(for those who don't get the anology, im basically saying how all that sugar may not be good for you, but @ the same time you know if u had the chance you would tear that shit up... lol)
Damn there I go runnin on && on again... lol
Anyway I say that to say this... don't give up on love/relationships just yet, cuz when you least expect it god can place somebody in you life that can change you whole way of thinking....
Think about it.
Imagine finally findin someone that you connect with on more than one level. Someone who understands your weird sense of humor && actually can hang with your jokes, who you feel you can listen to for hours on end because everything they say is like lyrics to your favorite song. Who you don't want to seem eager to rush into anything with but @ the same time want to have them all to yourself. Someone who is so indented in your mind that you remember their scent from when you hug them [is that weird?] Who you want to know everything about, fav color, food, sex position ;-) lol whose eyes are like the moonlight. && body is like a red velvet cake with chocolate icing.(for those who don't get the anology, im basically saying how all that sugar may not be good for you, but @ the same time you know if u had the chance you would tear that shit up... lol)
Damn there I go runnin on && on again... lol
Anyway I say that to say this... don't give up on love/relationships just yet, cuz when you least expect it god can place somebody in you life that can change you whole way of thinking....
Think about it.
Current Affairs...
So... I've realized that I'm not gon be on here everyday like originally planned but I will check back here weekly just to recap && what not...
Shout out to all the folks that showed love to the blog man....I'm really determined to do this from the heart; this is my way of venting && pouring out my brain to the masses && I sincerely appreciate the positive feedback.
*SIGH* now that that's out the way... here we go....
I got sumn big comin up in the works... get ready
Shout out to all the folks that showed love to the blog man....I'm really determined to do this from the heart; this is my way of venting && pouring out my brain to the masses && I sincerely appreciate the positive feedback.
*SIGH* now that that's out the way... here we go....
I got sumn big comin up in the works... get ready
Friday, February 13, 2009
As I sit back in this car, inhale this marijuana, scarf down these sour patch kids, && reflect over my day && my week for that matter It feels good to know that I have love && support from my family. Not just my the members of my immediate family, but my extended family. My brothers. I was ridin in the car earlier wit kool john && he randomly checked up on me, asked me about whats goin on in my life, && how I'm livin... basically makin sure I'm still on track towards reaching my goals.
Of course this is stuff I already know but he just reinterated how crucial && important it was for all of us to succeed in our lives. Us coming from where we come from, its not really "the norm" for ppl to make it out. So whatever we do we gotta go hard or go home. Do everything to our maximum potential. It was really nice to hear encouraging words from ppl you look up to
Don't get me wrong, richmond is a beautiful city with a lot of potential, && not all parts of it are bad. I feel there is a stigma involved where everyone feels that if you from richmond, smh... the bay area even that you are hood, grimey, wit the shit, etc. Because that is what's glorified out here. So us being who we are as young black men I feel we should change that stereotype on ur city by being a living success...
Damn I hella went off on a tangent... lol
But yah...... kool john said it best "we're a collective group of individuals, && we support each other, that's why we stand out in a crowd. We all have different goals && aspirations && we are motivated && inspired by each others accomplishments...." like I find it coincedental how we all wanna have a career in the media/entertainment industry. Like me, I'm going to be involved in radio && hopefully television as an on-air personality, john is gonna do film, rossi && rance are involved in music. && that's just our inner circle. On a grander stage, everyone we assoiciate with are talented ppl... && its crazy how we are so
Focused but we all know how to have fun... its a balance......
Just a thought......
Of course this is stuff I already know but he just reinterated how crucial && important it was for all of us to succeed in our lives. Us coming from where we come from, its not really "the norm" for ppl to make it out. So whatever we do we gotta go hard or go home. Do everything to our maximum potential. It was really nice to hear encouraging words from ppl you look up to
Don't get me wrong, richmond is a beautiful city with a lot of potential, && not all parts of it are bad. I feel there is a stigma involved where everyone feels that if you from richmond, smh... the bay area even that you are hood, grimey, wit the shit, etc. Because that is what's glorified out here. So us being who we are as young black men I feel we should change that stereotype on ur city by being a living success...
Damn I hella went off on a tangent... lol
But yah...... kool john said it best "we're a collective group of individuals, && we support each other, that's why we stand out in a crowd. We all have different goals && aspirations && we are motivated && inspired by each others accomplishments...." like I find it coincedental how we all wanna have a career in the media/entertainment industry. Like me, I'm going to be involved in radio && hopefully television as an on-air personality, john is gonna do film, rossi && rance are involved in music. && that's just our inner circle. On a grander stage, everyone we assoiciate with are talented ppl... && its crazy how we are so
Focused but we all know how to have fun... its a balance......
Just a thought......
Leaders Of Da New Skool
Heres just some sillyness for you... ill tell ya.. those LNS boys sure know how to have fun.
Pretty ricky
Pretty ricky
Inspiration to Be Great... ER.

OK, I'm so addicted to this blogging stuff man... kinda cool.
Uh... Yesterday i was in my African American Psychology class and my teacher Dr. Tharpe showed us this interesting documentary. It was called The Black List. It was real good and it caught my attention. it was by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders and Elvis Mitchell. their collaboration presents a fascinating series of mini portraits of 20 influential African Americans. This inspirational and varied group of prominent artists, CEOs, politicians, and activists share their individual experiences and viewpoints in regard to societal, familial, and personal identity. Each interview served as a potent illustration of empowerment in the face of unique limitations and broader obstacles.
the list included ppl like Al Sharpton, Bill T Jones,Chris Rock,Colin Powell,Dawn Staley,Faye Wattleton,Kareem Abdul Jabbar,Keenen Ivory Wayans,Lorna Simpson,Lou Gossett,Mahlon Duckett,Marc Morial,Richard Parsons,Russell Simmons,Sean Combs,Serena Williams,Slash,Steve Stoute,Susan Rice,Suzan-Lori Parks,Thelma Golden,Toni Morrison,Vernon Jordan,William Rice, and Zane (sidenote: who else knew that Zane was a fat lady? i sure didn't... lol that lady got a wild imagination boy reminds me of myself =p)
The Black List unveils a broad canvas of issues, including the shock waves Bill T. Jones felt from his contemporaries after referring to himself as an artist first and black second, Chris Rock discussing how he believes equality in baseball was only achieved when there were also bad black baseball players in the major leagues, and Vernon Jordon noting that there is a definition of black America, but none for white America. This country’s institutionalized racism is addressed as actor Lou Gossett Jr. speaks about his lack of acting offers after winning his Oscar, and museum curator Thelma Golden recounts how people mistakenly thought she actually only worked for Thelma Golden. These experiences contrast with Toni Morrison’s description of the encouragement she received in her childhood, specifically in not feeling threatened by being a woman.
man now that I'm looking at this, its starting to look like a review. so we'll call it that. see I'm well versatile... any way that was vol. 1. vol. comes out on the 26 of this month.. i suggest you check it out.... what dude from Reading rainbow used to say? "well. dont just take my word for it..." haha
adidas Consortium B-Ball Pack

A defining court silhouette, the Forum’s 1984 introduction redefined premium performance. A Velcro strap offered extra support alongside innovative lacing details and a Dellinger-web assisted midsole attached to an outsole that could dominate outdoor courts as easily as the hardwood offered extra versatility. High quality with a pricepoint to match, it carried a reputation for offbeat makeups, amplified here on his Consortium duo of mid and low variations. Taking natural design cues from the bold colours of pumpkins and watermelons, from stripe markings to ridged textures and seed-themed lining, these are immediately evocative of their freshly picked inspiration, mixing bright and darker tones perfectly for a pack that’s truly unique, completed with the signature Consortium blue eyelet.
Fuck all the other shit.. im coppin these joints B

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Support My Dude

The highly anticipated mixtape from Drake entitled So Far Gone will be available for download right on Drake's Spot October's Very Own before midnight, Thursday February 12, 2009. man support my niigga he nice.. foreal you know its official I cosigned it. =p Artwork by Darkie.
Love vs. Infatuation
I found somethin real interesting on the net today... thought I'd put it up... I know so many that dont know the difference....
Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them
Wants to serve the other person; selfless
Still spends time with others
Takes time to build the relationship
Other relationships and friendships grow stronger
Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy
Encompasses a long-term commitment
Survives and sometimes is strengthened because of distance
Quarrels are less serious and less often
Quarrels can strengthen the relationship
Infatuation can be so tempting. But the question is, do I want a lasting, satisfying relationship? If so, infatuation isn’t the answer. Look at your relationships through the grid above. Infatuation isn’t a bad thing, as long as we don’t base a relationship on it.
Perhaps finding real love begins with God, the one who created relationships.
Sees the other person as perfect
Wants to get own needs met; selfish
Spends all time with the other person
Quickly “falls” for the other person
Other relationships and friendships deteriorate
Dependence on the other person causes
Jealousy frequently
Lasts for a short period of time
Distance strains and often puts an end to the relationship
Quarrels are serious and common
Quarrels can seriously damage the relationship
Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them
Wants to serve the other person; selfless
Still spends time with others
Takes time to build the relationship
Other relationships and friendships grow stronger
Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy
Encompasses a long-term commitment
Survives and sometimes is strengthened because of distance
Quarrels are less serious and less often
Quarrels can strengthen the relationship
Infatuation can be so tempting. But the question is, do I want a lasting, satisfying relationship? If so, infatuation isn’t the answer. Look at your relationships through the grid above. Infatuation isn’t a bad thing, as long as we don’t base a relationship on it.
Perhaps finding real love begins with God, the one who created relationships.
Man.. Life/Love is Crazy....
The other day I was havin a convo with one of my good female friends && she was tellin me how her ex boyfriend "came back from the dead" basically comin back into her life a changed man with his head on his shoulders && she fell back in love with him.... && it made me think.... will that happen to me? Will I get a second chance @ fallin in love?
We got on the subject of types.... I told her umm I don't feel I have a specfic type.... but lately I've been drifting more towards exotic lookin girls... I dunno... sumn about em gets me excited... lol but I like whatever catches my eye... if u look good... ima get a good look... [ if that makes any sense]
Its like I know what I'm doing, but @ the same time is so confused ya know? Me and love are beefin right now cuz so far I can't seem so find a woman that intrigues && stimulates both my body && my mind...Crazy comin from a guy right? I know... its like I've tried so many times to make shit work wit different ppl, but you know shit just fades out... more often than not its from the girl not being as solid as I thought she was, or switchin up on me when its crunchtime.
Don't get me wrong I'm not woman bashin or nothin... I love the female species && everything about it. I also enjoy a little challenge everynow && then to keep me on my toes && whatnot... but based on my past history I haven't really just connected with nobody on that level yet...I get this stigma... well me and my bros pretty much all got the same reps as us being playboys or whatever... not the case [well.. for the most part.. Cuz kool john be da ladies man Lol] we have all given love a shot, only to be disappointed @ the end.... I say that to say this.... I believe in love && all that but when it aint yo time it aint yo time.
We got on the subject of types.... I told her umm I don't feel I have a specfic type.... but lately I've been drifting more towards exotic lookin girls... I dunno... sumn about em gets me excited... lol but I like whatever catches my eye... if u look good... ima get a good look... [ if that makes any sense]
Its like I know what I'm doing, but @ the same time is so confused ya know? Me and love are beefin right now cuz so far I can't seem so find a woman that intrigues && stimulates both my body && my mind...Crazy comin from a guy right? I know... its like I've tried so many times to make shit work wit different ppl, but you know shit just fades out... more often than not its from the girl not being as solid as I thought she was, or switchin up on me when its crunchtime.
Don't get me wrong I'm not woman bashin or nothin... I love the female species && everything about it. I also enjoy a little challenge everynow && then to keep me on my toes && whatnot... but based on my past history I haven't really just connected with nobody on that level yet...I get this stigma... well me and my bros pretty much all got the same reps as us being playboys or whatever... not the case [well.. for the most part.. Cuz kool john be da ladies man Lol] we have all given love a shot, only to be disappointed @ the end.... I say that to say this.... I believe in love && all that but when it aint yo time it aint yo time.
Can Vs. Should
Welp, heres somethin thats been on my mind lately...
When it comes to experiencing what I want out of life, I hate when people are quick to tell me what I can or can’t do. I think the people who are quick with the “cans and can’ts” usually based them on their own limitations…which you should know by now doesn’t sit to well with me.
What works best for me is asking myself ”should I” instead of “can I” do something. It produces a huge difference in outcome, especially when I feel my innate abilites are a gift and a curse. I really feel/think that I can do anything that I put my mind to…but should I?
shoutout to the think movement.
When it comes to experiencing what I want out of life, I hate when people are quick to tell me what I can or can’t do. I think the people who are quick with the “cans and can’ts” usually based them on their own limitations…which you should know by now doesn’t sit to well with me.
What works best for me is asking myself ”should I” instead of “can I” do something. It produces a huge difference in outcome, especially when I feel my innate abilites are a gift and a curse. I really feel/think that I can do anything that I put my mind to…but should I?
shoutout to the think movement.
First things First....

Hello World,
I go by the name of Skip.. ummm yaah welcome to my blogspot folks....
This is my first time do in this kinda thing, so yeah bear with me. Im going to try to come up here on a daily basis to update this thang witmy personal synopsis on whats going on in my life and in in the world..... you know cuz im such an interesting person, lol know u wanna read about my everyday livin.. lol jk
Not Even on no cocky shit, ima take you into my world... try to keep up....
oh yeah.. L.N.S BITCH.
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